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Kick Off Your Doctorate – in-person retreat, in English

Thema der Unterrichtseinheit Start und Ende Trainer:in Ort
Kick Off Your Doctorate – in-person retreat, in English - Amanda Wichert, Marlies Klamt, Alexander Egeling n. a. (csm_location #434)
Kick Off Your Doctorate – in-person retreat, in English - Amanda Wichert, Marlies Klamt, Alexander Egeling n. a. (csm_location #434)
Kick Off Your Doctorate – in-person retreat, in English - Amanda Wichert, Marlies Klamt, Alexander Egeling n. a. (csm_location #434)

Graduate Studies Support Program

This workshop is part of the Graduate Studies Support Program of Berlin University Alliance. For an overview of all Graduate Studies Support Program events, click here.

More information & FAQ

Two and a half days in a seminar hotel in Brandenburg, with 60 early career researchers who are in the starting phase of their doctorate projects, just like you. You can expect a lot of information, workshops on project management and self-organization, coaching sessions, and many networking opportunities. 

The Kick-Off event is organized by Berlin University Alliance, in the framework of the BUA Graduate Studies Support Program. Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität and Charité are pursuing the goal of improving the conditions of young researchers in the doctoral phase within the framework of the Berlin University Alliance.


It is a long way from the decision to do a doctorate to the moment when the doctoral certificate is handed over. Exchanging ideas and networking with peers is very valuable for starting a doctorate. The focus of this kick-off event is to help early career researchers get started and to introduce them to contact persons at the four institutions in addition to helpful information on the content. Accompanied by trainers, a selection of important tools will be tested in small exercises and opportunities will be shown to deepen these across institutions in further follow-up workshops. Short presentations, (group) coaching sessions, joint active breaks and a networking evening will round off the event.

  • Your doctorate and the German science sytem
  • Motivation & goal clarification 
  • Actively shaping the relation to you supervisor 
  • Science communication: pitching your project 
  • Future me: What will I take with me?
  • Networking and exchange 
  • Offers of Berlin University Alliance
  • You are a doctorate student at a member institution of Berlin University Alliance (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin). 
  • You are in the starting phase of your doctorate project. 
  • You have not participated in a BUA Kick-Off retreat yet. 
Formats des Workshops
Maximale Teilnehmendenzahl
Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Economics / Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Nature and Life Sciences / Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften
Buchungsberechtigte Personen
Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
Frist für Ausbuchung
Workshop buchbar