Workshopinfo ObjectivesHow do we juggle work life balance when “life” comes with such a huge mental load?How do we thrive at work whilst navigating the worry and guilt of managing a family at home?How do we learn to share the planning and management of our homes and not just the delegation of a never-ending task list in our minds? It is possible. Content Explore what mental load is, how it manifests in our daily lives, and why it’s harmful. Learn to check in with our expectations. Learn to decontaminate our time so that we can be effective in our work and present at home. Identify worry and self-doubt loops and how to stop them. Learn to zoom out to fit everything in. Explore mindfulness and self-compassion as tools to help you be present with our kids when weare at home and present with our works when we need to be working. Please note that this workshop is best for persons who are already parents and not those who are thinking of becoming parents in the future. Sprache Englisch Formats des Workshops Digital Maximale Teilnehmendenzahl 20 Arbeitseinheiten 6 Zielgruppe Alle Phasen der Promotion Fachrichtung Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Economics / Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Nature and Life Sciences / Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften Buchungsberechtigte Personen Promovierende Teilnahmeberechtigt Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Frist für Ausbuchung Mo., 21.04.2025 - 12:00 Buchungsstatus Workshop buchbar