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Speaking with Confidence and Impact

Session Topic Start and End Trainer Ort
Speaking with Confidence and Impact - Raum 144 (csm_location #577)
Speaking with Confidence and Impact - Raum 144 (csm_location #577)

Registration: To register for this workshop please send us an email to Please include your first name, surname, gender, university and faculty or department.


In this workshop participants learn to have more impact when delivering a presentation, to deliver a message with more clarity, build more connection with the audience, and be more relaxed when speaking to groups. For those who already feel comfortable presenting, this workshop can help you strengthen confidence, be more authentic, and have more professional impact. For those who get nervous when speaking to groups, we look at ways to understand ‘nerves’, channel them, and transform them into a more positive experience - making public speaking more energizing and genuinely enjoyable. This workshop is not about tips, tricks and techniques. It’s about building genuine strength as a presenter – from the inside out.

  • Build ability to use eye-contact to engage with individuals and the group
  • Relax into the role of speaker/presenter and strengthen professional presence
  • Practice speaking in a more confident and connected way
  • Deliver your message with more clarity and impact
Format of the workshop
Maximum number of participants
Work units
Target Group
Postdoc Phase
Field of study
Nature and Life Sciences / Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften
Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Economics / Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Persons authorized to book
Eligible to participate
Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
Booking status
For booking see workshop description