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Publishing your article in 10 weeks

Session Topic Start and End Trainer Ort
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)
Publishing Your Article in 10 Weeks - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 224 (csm_location #582)

This is a course for those who have a rough draft of something that they want to publish in an academic, peer-reviewed journal. The goal of this course is to aid participants in revising their papers and in overcoming anxiety about academic publishing. There’s no simple formula for getting published. But there are some challenges that confront all academic writers regardless of their discipline. The course uses Wendy Laura Belcher’s Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success, to examine the publication process and shares strategies for publishing success.


  • setting up a realistic time frame for your writing process
  • identifying, understanding, and clarifying arguments and claims for significance
  • opening and concluding your article
  • restructuring your article
  • identifying appropriate journals for submission
  • working with editors, writing query letters
Format of the workshop
Maximum number of participants
Work units
Target Group
All phases of the doctoral studies
Field of study
Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Economics / Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Nature and Life Sciences / Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften
Persons authorized to book
Eligible to participate
Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
Frist für Ausbuchung
Booking status
Workshop can be booked