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Make Contacts that Count: Networking and Personal Branding.

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Make Contacts that Count: Networking and Personal Branding. - Mark Edwards online (csm_location #427)
Make Contacts that Count: Networking and Personal Branding. - Mark Edwards online (csm_location #427)

Knowing how to develop and maintain an effective network is a key career strategy.
To build a well-functioning network is a vital component in planning a science career. Many highly-qualified scientists have taken a route to build their career that has been arduous and lonely. This module explores less stressful methods of career development, by the strategic use of networking.
Whether planning a career in the scientific or commercial world, awareness of the priorities and needs of funding bodies or potential employers or backers is a key to success. This seminar provides an overview of the structure of networking - the strengths and weaknesses of working in networks and allows for an opportunity to optimise your own networking activity and strategies for acquisition.


  • The purpose of a network
  • Construction and maintenance of a co-operation network (or research group)
  • Strategic co-operation within the scientific community: universities and non-university research institutions, businesses and organizations
  • Growing the network: how to approach a prospective partner
  • Typical problems in networks
  • Use of online networks; linked in, academic networks, Twitter and other social media
  • Formal and informal networks in the scientific community
  • The advantages of giving as a professional work-style
Format of the workshop
Maximum number of participants
Work units
Target Group
All phases of the doctoral studies
Field of study
Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Economics / Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Nature and Life Sciences / Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften
Persons authorized to book
Eligible to participate
Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
Frist für Ausbuchung
Booking status
Workshop can be booked