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Academic Writing (Humanities & Social Sciences)

Session Topic Start and End Trainer Ort
Acadamic Writing (Humanities & Social Sciences) - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 123 (csm_location #576)
Acadamic Writing (Humanities & Social Sciences) - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 123 (csm_location #576)
Acadamic Writing (Humanities & Social Sciences) - Jeffrey Verhey Raum 123 (csm_location #576)

Writing academic research papers or dissertations in English can be a daunting task. This workshop attempts to make this task less daunting by increasing your awareness of the reader’s expectations. 


  • How to frame a research question, how to organize an introduction to a research paper or a dissertation
  • How to organize a literature review, a methods section, a results section, a book review, etc.
  • Discuss what is considered good academic writing style, and what we can do to improve your writing style
  • How does a good writer make complex, difficult thoughts easier to understand? 
  • How can you write more concisely, improve your flow, create more coherence in your writing? 
  • How to improve your self-editing and how best to respond to the suggestions made by a reviewer
Format of the workshop
Maximum number of participants
Work units
Target Group
All phases of the doctoral studies
Field of study
Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Economics / Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Persons authorized to book
Eligible to participate
Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
Frist für Ausbuchung
Booking status
Workshop can be booked